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Mastering guide logic pro x 自由.How to Master in Logic Pro X


To stop the compressor from overreacting to your bass, use the side chain in HP high pass mode, and adjust the frequency dial until the compressor is no longer reacting to your kick or other low-end instruments more than the rest of the mix.

The sweet spot is usually around Hz. Multi-band compression is a bit like an EQ which only activates when specific frequencies get too loud. Do not worry — though it looks complicated, setting it up is mostly the same as a normal compressor.

You can change the crossover frequency depending on what is needed to affect a smaller or more comprehensive frequency range. This controls how long the compressor stays on between attack and release. The release must last the full length of each bass note until the beginning of the next note.

If the bass has lost some loudness, you can use the gain change line to turn it up again. There is also an expander at the bottom, with a threshold, ratio and reduction level. An expander is the opposite of a compressor — it turns the volume up when the signal drops below a certain threshold.

Pro Tip: unlike EQ and compression, multi-band compression is unnecessary in every master. Saturation is a unique blend of subtle distortion and compression, as you would find in any analog gear. It adds harmonics which give your mix an extra vibe and liveliness, as well as helping to glue everything together. There are four different ways to add saturation in Logic Pro:. Turn the drive dial up or down to add saturation in any of the vintage EQs.

Be aware that turning the drive up will make your track louder, so if you are returning to your EQ at the top of the plugin chain, you must adjust the output volume to match the same loudness level on your loudness meter. Alternatively, you could add a second instance of the vintage EQ plugin as a stand-alone saturation tool without any EQ adjustments.

Again, you can either add this as a stand-alone and turn the ratio to no compression or return to the compressor you used previously and adjust output gain afterwards. Tape saturation is a favorite for many producers, thanks to its beautiful warmth and vibe.

Logic has a secret weapon with this built-in: the tape delay. To use its saturation in your mastering chain without the delay effect:. Turning the clip threshold into the negative values will push the tape saturation further, while positive values will make it more subtle. From here, you can add as much soft saturation as you like.

This is the final processing step for your master! The limiter works like a compressor, but rather than turning the volume down slightly after it crosses a certain threshold, it just chops it off. Compared to the regular limiter, it has an automatic release time which adapts to the music. Next, turn your gain up until you start getting some gain reduction.

Now you have a choice to make. You can turn on True Peak Detection, which provides super-accurate limiting and saves hassle. Pro Tip: as with compressors, you can use more than one limiter. For example, you might like to use one limiter with True Peak Detection off to shape the sound and a second with True Peak Detection on to catch any stray peaks.

Mastering is more about the musicality than the numbers, but there are still some things we need to check to make sure your track will sound its best once released. A true peak detector can detect inter-sample peaks. These inter-sample peaks can cause unpleasant distortion, so checking for them is essential.

To recap, digital platforms recommend true peaks to be no more than This prevents your track from distorting when converted to lower quality for streaming online.

You may have heard that streaming services normalize everything to LUFS. This is not a target for you to hit. LUFS is a scale of loudness perceived by the human ear, so it helps compare the relative loudness of different tracks. There is no one LUFS reading you should be aiming for. Softer genres like jazz tend to sit around to LUFS.

Here is a video from In The Mix to help you hear the subtle nuances of compression , both in mixing and mastering:.

You can also use the Multipressor for even more control over your sound. The plugin allows you to use different settings of compression for different frequencies.

The plugin is very simple to use. It is divided into four sections and you can tune the frequency using the main upper panel.

Below that, you will see the same controls that you would find in a standard compressor. Just as with the compressor, you should use the equalizer very subtly when mastering. There are two main types of stock equalizers we can use for mastering in Logic Pro: the Channel EQ and the Vintage EQ Collection ones. The Channel EQ is parametric and more surgical.

It will give you more control over your frequencies. However, the added functionalities make overdoing it much easier so be careful. The Vintage EQ Collection semi-parametric plugins are modeled after famous real units.

The console , graphic, and tube EQs are based on Neve , API, and Pultec hardware EQs, respectively. The benefit of using them is that they add a little bit of analog color to your sound and the stripped-down style makes them less prone to exaggeration — perfect for mastering. Also, make the Q range as broad as possible so the result is smoother and more consistent. Compare your song to your reference and check for any frequencies that would benefit from an extra boost.

A slight boost at around 8kHz using a high-shelf setting should add a little bit of brightness to your master; As well as one using a low-shelf at kHz for bringing attention to your bass sound. Tip: Use the Drive Knob on any of the plugins of the Vintage EQ Collection to apply soft saturation to your master.

Saturation is an optional step that can give your sound extra perceived loudness and analog mojo by distorting the sound very subtly. There are a few ways you can do this inside Logic. These are modeled after real analog units. There is also a feature in the Tape Delay plugin that will work.

Under the Character section, note the Clip Threshold knob. Dial it back very carefully to add some tape saturation to your sound, but keep it to a minimum. You may also download the free Saturation Knob plugin by Softube. This type of plugin can be used to enhance the overall stereo image of your audio. You should go about stereo-widening very carefully as, if used incorrectly, it could throw your mix all over the place and make your bass sound weak , as well as cause phase issues.

If you still decide to use it, just as with most things in mastering, keep it to a minimum. Load the Stereo Spread plugin and set your Lower Freq. Keep the Lower Int. and the Upper Int. Set the stage to 4 or 5. Finally, a limiter will catch the loudest transients in your song while increasing its loudness to standard levels. Limiting is somewhat similar to compressing, but in a much more aggressive way: these plugins will squash any sound that exceeds the threshold , enabling you to have more perceived loudness without clipping.

There are two plugins for this job inside Logic: the Limiter and the Adaptive. With the first one, you will have to dial the release by yourself, as opposed to with the latter, which will automatically adapt the value based on your audio signal.

That said, certain aspects of mastering will help get your mixes to that next level, so rest assured you still have some room to work. Import your finished mix or mixes to a new audio track in Logic, accompanied by 3 different reference tracks.

Listen and compare the 4 tracks, and make a few notes literally write them down :. Create a new audio track and load up 3 instances of Match EQ on it one for each of your reference tracks. Hit F to bring up the Project Browser on the right hand side, giving you access to your 4 audio tracks. Drag your mix file onto the Current tab in Match EQ, and one of the reference tracks onto the Reference tab. Then, on the EQ Curve, hit Match.

The plugin will create an EQ curve that visually demonstrates the differences in frequency spectrum between your mix, and your reference. Now go ahead and do the same for the other 2 references, using the other 2 instances of Match EQ. For example, it appears our mix has quite a few challenges in the low end. Compared to the references, we have a lot of energy around 80Hz, and not a lot in the Hz range. Our mix also appears to be lacking a lot of high end, dropping off significantly around 12kHz.

The golden rule, as with mixing, is to use your ears, not your eyes. You should compare any trends noted from Match EQ to the notes you took when listening and comparing. This is simply an example, and is actually using an unfinished mix to demonstrate how you can use Match EQ to level up your music production.

One of the principles in mastering is measuring. That is, using tools to measure things such as:. Logic Pro X has a number of measurement tools including a Loudness Meter, Correlation Meter, and Level Meter, all of which can be found in the Metering section under Audio FX.

The Analyzer section in MultiMeter is a real time frequency analyzer, which shows you changes in frequency as they happen. There is no set goal for what this should look like across a mix; think about the different frequency settings on your car radio, iPod or in Spotify. For example in our mix, Hz is coming through really strong. We might use an EQ to cut a little in this area.

Loudness is a contentious topic in mastering, as it has been the subject of abuse for many years now. Remember how the human ear identifies louder sounds as subjectively better? Well, mastering engineers or more accurately the record labels that hired them learned how to use this to their advantage by using a limiter to make finished tracks louder and louder.

This resulted in something called the Loudness War, which ended up sacrificing the beauty in music and its dynamic range in favour of overly compressed or squashed tracks that appeared louder. Loudness is still an issue in contemporary music, though it has been stamped down by new limitations enforced by streaming and broadcast companies. All the way, seeking to retain the nuance and dynamic range that makes music music.

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Doesn't my team develop new parts? This is a very important aspect to true F1. And in the age of the internet, there could be automated content updates as the real season progresses.

Arrows didn't race the whole season for instance. Why couldn't that info come over the internet? How about driver updates? How about the latest pole times set in real life? These types of stats could be updated on the fly easily.

Also, nothing seems to be developing off the track. When Barichello crashes into Ralf Schumacher, why aren't there any news presented about that to me? In real life, this would be a major off-track argument between the two of them.

When Fisicella's car breaks down, why don't I see a post-race interview about how annoyed he is at Honda? Overall, this is a very good game, and the expectations I set here might be pretty high, but all of the things I describe here are possible with today's hard and software.

Games from other genres demonstrate that quite well Frame rates allow for a more responsive car. See all reviews. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. Back to top. Get to Know Us. Make Money with Us. Amazon Payment Products. Let Us Help You. The strikethrough price is the List Price. Savings represents a discount off the List Price. Follow Us! Monthly Newsletter. Top downloads. List of top downloads. Latest releases. List of new games here Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Screenshots needed. Formula One games: love them or hate them, you can ignore them. And many people do, dismissing them as too dry, overly technical, and -gasp - boring. All valid points of course, and accusations which can be levelled not only at the games, but also at the sport they depict.

Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of actually attending one of these cursed events. I speak as someone who has twice made this error, the first time on an all-expenses paid jolly to Spa, in Belgium. Holding a cherished gold ticket afforded me the best seat in the house, providing a unique opportunity to be deafened and to enjoy a close-up view of the occasional streak of colour while watching the race on an overhead television.

The second occasion was in the plebs area at Silverstone, which involved getting very wet and having to check in the paper the next day to see who won. Not the ideal spectator sport then, but for the 22 lunatics at the wheel it's an absolute whiteknuckle ride that pisses on any rollercoaster, and one which F1 , manages to replicate in unparalleled detail for a PC F1 sim. I also shared this article with my friends, who appreciated the information. Great set of tips from the master himself.

Excellent ideas. Thanks for Awesome tips Keep it up allsoftwarepro. I like your all post. You have done really good work. Thank you for the information you provide, it helped me a lot. I hope to have many more entries or so from you. Overall, the graphics are excellent, but they pale in comparison to Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4, which takes pains to be as breathtakingly photorealistic as possible.

Even with the reality settings on high, the physics are considerably unusual at times. On more than one occasion, I found that a high-speed crash resulted in a weird sort of suspended sequence of flipping over directly in place, as if a trans-dimensional vortex had been partially opened by the impact.

Such effects are well suited to sci-fi racers, but prove irksome within the context of this otherwise solid simulation. One last minor grudge: competing vehicles vanish almost immediately after the impact of a collision.

Perhaps this helps maintain a higher framerate, but it can give the game a cheap feel at times. For fans of the EA Sports F1 series or newcomers looking for an enjoyable primer to the racing simulation experience, F1 is a solid title well worth checking out.

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